Gabriella Sacchi was born in Milan in 1951. After receiving her diploma at the Brera Academy, she obtained her university degree in architecture at the Milan Polytechnic University.
In the 1980s and 1990s, she taught art education and worked in publishing. At the same time, she also produced a book on art education together with Bruno Munari.
Today, at her studio, Laboratorio Spazio Nibe, she dedicates her time to her artwork and carries out cultural activities of research on and the promotion of ceramics. Since 2017, she has been a member of the IAC (International Academy of Ceramics). In 2018, she received the title of Maestro d’Arte e Mestiere, an institutional form of recognition initiated by the Fondazione Cologni dei Mestieri d’Arte, that conceived the community Wellmade to discovered the best craftsmen.
Gabriella Sacchi è nata a Milano nel 1951.
Dopo aver frequentato il Liceo artistico di Brera, si è laureata in Architettura presso il Politecnico di Milano.
Negli anni Ottanta e Novanta è stata insegnante di educazione artistica e collaboratrice editoriale. Negli stessi anni ha realizzato un libro di educazione artistica con Bruno Munari.
Oggi nel Laboratorio Spazio Nibe si dedica al lavoro artistico e svolge attività culturali di ricerca e di promozione nel campo della ceramica. È membro dell’associazione Dcomedesign (Women’s Creative Projects). Dal 2017 è membro di IAC (International Academy of Ceramics). Nel 2018 riceve il titolo di Maestro d’Arte e Mestiere, riconoscimento istituito dalla Fondazione Cologni dei Mestieri d’Arte che ha ideato la community Wellmade, pensata per scoprire i migliori artigiani.
Second prize
Secondo premio
XXV Mediterranean Ceramic Competition, Earth, Identity, Materials, Grottaglie, Italy
Honourable Mention
Menzione d'onore
International Ceramic Festival, Mino, Japan
Honourable Mention,
XIII International Ceramic Biennial, Aveiro, Portugal
Technical Jury’s Prize
First edition of the International Ceramics Art Prize Baccio da Montelupo, Montelupo Fiorentino, Italy
Exceptional Unique Piece Prize
Premio Pezzo unico d’eccezione
XI International Competition “Lodi fa ceramica”, Lodi, Italy
Honourable Mention
IV International Silicate Arts Triennial, Kecskemét, Hungary
Prize for the Best Decoration
Premio per la migliore decorazione
International China Kaolin Prize for Ceramic Art, Jingdezhen, Chin
Special Mention
International Ceramic Competition, L’Alcora, Spain
First Prize Grès de Valls
International Ceramic Competition, Manises, Spain
Special Mention
International Ceramic Competition, Manises, Spain
Special Mention,
International Ceramic Competition, L’Alcora, Spain
Second Prize
European Object for the Table Prize, Nove, Italy
Second Prize
For swimming pool inner tiling, Bresso, Italy
First Prize
For the best composition of ceramics facings for interiors, Chamber of Commerce, Milan, Italy